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Village Head and Representatives of Herdsmen of the Wolf Totem Grassland
Paid a Special Visit to CBCGDF, Celebrating the Establishment of the Wolf
Totem Grassland Protection Fund.

For a green future, Follow CBCGDF

¡¾Nov16, CBCGDF¡¿On the early morning of November 16th, several well-dressed
village heads and herdsmen representatives from Mandubaogeli grassland,
Inner Mongolia, paid a special visit to The Secretariat of CBCGDF to
celebrate the coming establishment of The Wolf Totem Protection Fund. Photos
are taken to memory the meaningful moment.
The aim of establishing the Wolf Totem protection fund is to, by promoting
the concept of biodiversity conservation and ecological philosophy of Wolf
Totem, actively protect the existing untouched grassland ecosystem and the
nomadic culture. Moreover, by setting a model for grasslands protection, the
fund can raise public awareness of grassland ecology and environmental
protection, and promote public participation.
After the establishment of the fund, much work still requires herdsmen
representatives¡¯ local implementation, cooperation and support, as well as
their promotion of protecting biological diversity and green development
concept in grassland areas. We deeply believe that people are the strongest
basis and powerful source of our ecological civilization construction and
environmental protection. We also want to extend our sincere gratitude to
hardworking and simple people in Mandubaolige grassland, for their support
and help to the development of CBCGDF.

(Translation by Hailian)
