中国、蒙古国草原(Steppe)对比考察项目 相关图片 论文集 |
研究报告论文集 (中国部分)
蒙古高原不同地带土壤理化特性对比研究 ——中蒙典型草原荒漠化比较植被考察报告 宝力道2 包翔 1, 阿瓦道尔吉3,春兰1 , 召拉吉日嘎拉4;奥根其其格4 布德巴特4,萨娜斯琴1
1 内蒙古农业大学;2 内蒙古畜牧科学院草原勘测设计所 3蒙古国家科学院;4 蒙古绿金子牧场项目;
摘 要:对蒙古高原不同地带土壤理化性状进行对比研究,结果表明:地处荒漠草原的蒙古那仁苏木和内蒙古东苏旗0-10cm土层土壤﹤1mm颗粒含量相近而最高,内蒙古满都为最低;蒙古马达图土壤紧实度为最高,内蒙古满都为最低,东苏旗土壤表层紧实度高于那仁苏木;蒙古那仁苏木土壤水分渗透率最好,东苏旗为最差,容易造成草原荒漠化。荒漠草原地带土壤pH值均高于典型草原;土壤有机质含量典型草原地区高于荒漠草原地区;土壤速效磷、速效钾含量均在0-5cm土层最高,蒙古的两个地区均高于内蒙古相应的地区。从相关性分析看,地处荒漠草原的东苏旗和那仁苏木土壤紧实度与有机质呈显著负相关,速效钾与速效磷呈显著正相关;地处典型草原的蒙古马达图和内蒙古满都土壤有机质与速效钾呈显著正相关。 关键词: 蒙古高原 土壤理化性质
Study on Soil Characteristics in Different Regions of Mongolian Plateau — Investigation Report of Desertification in Typical Steppe between China and Mongolia Baolidao1,Bao xiang1, Awadorji2,Chunlan1,Zhaolejirigala3,Aogenqiqige3, Budebatar3,Sanasiqin1
1 Inner Mongolia Agriculture University;2 Institute of Animal Husbandry in Mongolia; 3 ”Green gold project” in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Abstract: Study on soil characteristics of Mongolian plateau, result showed that soil kernel content (<1mm) in 0-10cm of 08-MG-A-2 and 07-NMG-B-1 is the highest, soil compactness in 07-NMG-B-1 is higher than 08-MG-A-2. Soil kernel content and soil compactness are the lowest in the 08-NMG-A-4,soil compactness in 08-MG-A-3 is the highest. Soil water permeability is best in the 08-MG-A-2, and soil water permeability is lowest in 07-NMG-B-1. Soil pH in the desert steppe is higher than typical steppe, but organic content is the contrary of that pH value. Available P and K (0-5cm) are higher than other soil layers, and available P and K in Mongolia are higher than Inner Mongolia. Correlation analysis is expressed that it is a significant negative correlation between soil organics and compactness in the 07-NMG-B-1, 08-MG-A-3.It is a significant correlation between available K and P in the 07-NMG-B-1, 08-MG-A-3. It is a significant correlation between soil organics and available K in the 08-MG-A-3. Keywords: Mongolian plateau; Soil characteristics -------------------------- * 资助项目: 中蒙国际合作项目联合资助(2007-2009) ** 作者简介:宝力道(1974-)男,内蒙古畜牧科学院,硕士,高级农艺师,Email:bld106@163.com |