中国、蒙古国草原(Steppe)对比考察项目 论文集 相关图片 |
研究报告论文集 (中国部分)
蒙古高原典型草原不同利用方式土壤理化特性 及植被群落特征相关性研究
——中蒙典型草原荒漠化比较植被考察报告 包翔 1, 阿瓦道尔吉2,春兰1 , 宝力道1 , 召拉吉日嘎拉3;奥根其其格3 布德巴特3,萨娜斯琴1 1 内蒙古农业大学;2蒙古国家科学院;3 蒙古绿金子牧场项目;
要:通过本研究发现,蒙古国典型草原游牧区的夏营盘和冬营盘的土壤物理及养分性状总体上都优于内蒙古典型草原轮牧区的夏营盘、冬营盘及定居放牧区;而且在内蒙古典型草原轮牧区的土壤性状也优于定居放牧区。三个放牧区中定居放牧区的退化最为严重,轮牧区次之,游牧区主要因气候干旱,少雨等原因出现退化现象,但退化速度和程度低于内蒙古同类地区(轮牧区和定居放牧区)。过度放牧等人类活动的影响是轮牧和定居放牧区的草地生态环境退化的重要原因。 关键词:不同利用方式 土壤理化性质
植被群落特性 Study on Soil and Vegetation Characteristics under Different Grazing of Mongolian Plateau — Investigation Report of Desertification in Typical Steppe between China and Mongolia Bao xiang1, Awadorji2,Chunlan1,Baolidao1, Zhaolejirigala3,Aogenqiqige3 ,Budebatar3,Sanasiqin1 1 Inner Mongolia Agriculture University;2 Institute of Animal Husbandry in Mongolia;3 ”Green gold project” in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Abstract: Result showed that soil physics and chemical characteristics under the nomadic grazing in summer and winter camp of Mongolia are higher than rotational grazing, settled grazing in Inner Mongolia. Soil characteristics under the rotational grazing is higher than settled grazing in Inner Mongolia. Grassland is seriously degeneration in the settled grazing, degradation under the rotational grazing in Inner Mongolia is lower than Mongolia. Grassland is expressed degeneration situation under the nomadic grazing, it mainly related to climate’s changes, precipitation in Mongolia, but degeneration speed and degree are lower than Inner Mongolia. Grazing and people’s activity lead to grassland degeneration. Keywords: Grazing ways; Soil characteristics; Vegetation characteristics -------------------------- * 资助项目: 中蒙国际合作项目联合资助(2007-2009) ** 作者简介:包翔(1964-)男,内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院,土壤学教授,硕士导师,Email:baoxiang333@sohu.com