中国、蒙古国草原(Steppe)对比考察项目 论文集 相关图片 |
研究报告论文集 (中国部分)
不同放牧方式对蒙古高原克氏针茅典型草原植被特性的影响 吉木色3包秀霞1,易津1,刘书润2,吉格吉德苏仁4 布德巴特4 1 内蒙古农业大学 农学院, 2内蒙古师范大学,3内蒙古草原勘察设计院 4 蒙古国畜牧科学院,乌兰巴托 蒙古国
摘要:通过对比中蒙两国不同放牧方式克氏针茅典型草原植被特性,结果表明不同放牧方式中蒙两国群落平均重要值变化不明显,植物组成结构上能说明内蒙古定居放牧一年生植物、半灌木比例逐渐增加,多年生植物比例明显减少,草原出现一定程度的退化现象。两国共有的群落克氏针茅+杂类草群落在07-MG-A-3、08-MG-A-2四季游牧与其他不同放牧方式间平均重要值达到显著差异,多根葱+杂类草群落在07-NMG-A-4定居放牧中平均重要值为最高,与其他嘎查间差异达到显著水平。不同放牧方式植物生物多样性、生活型、水分生态型结构总体表明,内蒙古由于采用定居放牧,家畜连续的采食和践踏导致内蒙古定居放牧植物种类减少,一年生植物比例增加,植物旱生化程度较高。内蒙古定居放牧方式克氏针茅、羊草植物重要值较低,猪毛菜、藜植物重要值较高,并且与其他放牧方式间均达到极显著差异水平。说明内蒙古由于采用定居放牧,植物原生群落逐渐被次生演替群落取代,植物结构失调,植物旱生化程度提高,主要植物在草原上的主导地位下降,导致草原退化。 关键词:蒙古高原,典型草原,放牧方式,植被特性
Effects of Vegetation
Characteristics under Different Grazing Jimuse3, Bao Xiuxia 1, Yi Jin 1﹡, Liu Shurun 2, Jigejidesuren,Budebateer4
1 College of Agriculture ,Inner
Mongolia Agricultural University,2 Inner Mongolia Normal University ,
Abstract: Study on vegetation characteristics under the different grazing of stipa typical steppe between China and Mongolia. Result showed that community important value is not difference under the different grazing, annual, sub-shrub ratio are increased, perennial plant ratio is increased under the settled grazing, grassland has been arisen degeneration situation. Important value of Stipa krylovii +mixed grass community under the four seasons nomadic grazing in 07-MG-A-3 and 08-MG-A-2 between other grazing is a significant difference. Important value of Allium polyrhizum +mixed grass under the settled grazing is the highest, it is significant difference between other grazing. Plant species is decreased, annual ratio is increased, plant xerorhilization degree is higher under the settled grazing in Inner Mongolia. Result of plant characteristics expressed that important value of stipa krylovii and lemus chinesens is lower, important value of Salsola collina and chenopodium album is higher under settled grazing, it is a significant difference between other grazing. Because Inner Mongolia adopted settled grazing and lead to secondary community replaced native community’s function, plant structure is imbalanced, plant xerorhilization degree is enhanced and grassland degeneration. Keywords: Mongolian plateau; Typical steppe; Grazing; Vegetation characteristics ———————— 资助项目:中蒙国际合作项目联合资助(2007-2009) 作者简介:吉木色(1958-)女,蒙古族,内蒙古锡林郭勒兰旗人,博士,高级畜牧师,主要从事草地资源研究 |